Little Leagues around the world depend heavily on their sponsors. We are no exception.
Our sponsorships are vital to the success of Warwick Little League. Whether it's pouring a new slab for bleachers,
sponsoring a team, building a dugout shelter, or donating pizza to sell at the concessions,
we rely on their gracious donations of time, efforts, or funding.
Luckily, we have quite a few! The 2023 sponsors are listed below, but you may also see their names around the fields or on the back of your child's uniform. Please support these local businesses when given the opportunity.
If you would like to get involved with Warwick Little League as a sponsor, please check out our
2023 Sponsorship Package
Completed paperwork needs to be returned with payment no later than February 15th to be available for team sponsorship.
Special thanks to Dick's Sporting Goods for their continued financial support
and in providing equipment and other items.
